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发布时间:2023-11-30 16:52:42 来源:基杰五金网


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Shanxi TT waste gas treatment and environmental protection technology center / finishing


Environmental tax is further improved, Shanxi TT gas processing (Shenzhen Haidelong Shanxi Office) to share with you:


The pollution of the city, the degradation of ecological environment is the biggest challenge of current environmental protection work, the main bottleneck is the construction of socialist ecological civilization and the beautiful Chinese, how to curb all kinds of pollution emissions growth, how to improve the ecological environment quality is the priority among priorities of the current environmental protection system reform and policy tools. As the most basic policy means of environmental economi公司事迹同比小幅爬升c regulation, the collection of environmental tax can be said to be in accordance with the requirements of time and place.


Over the years, the sewage fee system plays an important role for the prevention of environmental pollution, but compared with the tax system, sewage charges system has insufficient rigidity, law enforcement and local government departments intervention and other issues, it is necessary to carry out environmental protection fees.


In December 25, 2016, according to the CPC Central Committee on tax reform to promote environmental protection, the implementation of the tax legal principles of the spirit of reform, "People's Republic of China environmental跳线架 protection law" was passed in the twelve session of the twenty-fifth meeting of the NPC Standing committee. Order No. sixty-first of the president signed and promulgated the environmental protection tax law since January 1, 2018. This is China's first special "green tax system", promoting the construction of ecological civilization of the single tax law.


"Environmental protection law" is China's established in March 2015 "the formulation of tax legal principle after the first single tax, the government hopes to use more determined to show joint market mechanism means to solve environmental problems. Let high pollution, high emission enterprises "death" at the same time, so that cleaner production enterprises have been reborn. This is th油嘴e key to actively promote the reform of the environmental tax.


CPPCC National Committee, China and globalization think tank (CCG) invited senior researcher Zhang Lianqi said that after the implementation of environmental taxes, emission reduction efforts will certainly increase, it is no doubt. The design of the large leverage, strong execution. Especially, most companies have environmental protection equipment, because the original electricity is relatively high, not open reduction equipment, but after the implementation of the environmental tax, if not open equipment, the relationship between tax is relatively high, it will balance the two, upgrading and innovation driven by the transformation, inhibit and reduce the effect on emissions.


From the enterprise point of view, the higher the tax, which means that the higher the cost of pollution emissio平焊法兰ns. "Enterprises with low production efficiency and high pollution emissions will pay more taxes on the environment, but enterprises with high production efficiency and low pollution emissions can benefit from it." Li Zhiqing, deputy director of the center for environmental economics, Fudan University, said that the environmental tax is actually in the different enterprises screening, and even differentiation". In the end, the difference in environmental taxes caused by price differences or production scale differences, the market share of good corporate product喉箍s improved, bad companies were squeezed out of the market."


Jia Kang, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of fiscal Sciences, believes that, given the major emissions and pollution, in the future revision process, it should seek a breakthrough in the emission of environmental taxes on these industries. In addition, the design of a more stringent, strong environmental tax plan and ensure the healthy development of the economy, is not incompatible with each other.


"At the same time not to increase or reduce the macro tax burden, to a higher level of structural tax adjustment mechanism to promote the optimization of the structure of the real economy, improve the quality of economic growth, to achieve sustainable development goals." Jia Kang said.


In addition, the economic relationship between the government and the market, in the process of environmental protection, there is still heavy plan (government) and light Market (enterprise) the tendency of environmental protection tax belongs to the environmental regulation means based on market, and its emissions trading environment economic regulation means two market incentive, economic relations help to straighten out the government and the market, let the market to further develop its allocation of resources to improve efficiency, compression and change of government intervention, respect for the market and government function boundary and their own law, the maximum extent ineffective factors in environmental governance to overcome.


Finally, environmental tax will be pushed through the way of tax to further standardize the development of the industry, the first positive is the monitoring of enterprises, just need to monitor pollution point become, and under the vertical management of the power centralization, positive leading enterprises, recommended condenser technology, winfore environment; secondly, the pollution of industrial enterprises of the market will further open. Recommended Tian Hao Electric environmental protection, environment, clean environment.



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